Mom Magic is turning a dozen cupcakes into a really cute simple little birthday cake for the baby's first birthday!! It was SO crazy easy that I started to feel guilty- I really went back and forth with the idea of ordering pretty cupcakes from one of the local bakeries. They had some really cute options with stuffed animal decorations, or popular character themes. There were some truly adorable first birthday options but I just really felt like there was something missing overall. Then I thought about the recent Christmas party we'd done for my kindergartner's class. We didn't just serve out a pre-made snack- the kids decorated their own reindeer cupcake using pretzels, candies, and they spread on their own icing. They had a BLAST at that party. And I have a friend who did a cookie decorating party for her twin daughters- that was so much fun and my girls still remember that party! The interactive aspect of those two parties was really a key element in getting the kids to feel involved and that they were all part of the overall party experience. I think that ultimately, what I wanted instead of just bringing out pretty little cupcakes and singing the requisite Happy Birthday tune, was to get all of my daughters to participate, and really feel like they were all a big part of the good time. This is sometimes a difficult thing when you have four children and four birthdays a year- six if you include Mom & Dad. I just really want my children to remember that birthdays are a celebration for the entire family- not just a party of one! They are are just another way that we can express that we are a family that loves each other, and it's a celebration of being so happy to have the birthday girl (or guy- in Dad's case) as a part of our family.
Baking cupcakes is just too sinfully simple- you follow the basic instructions on the back of the cake mix, but in most cases- cooking time is shorter! So, I was able to knock out a dozen cupcakes in about 3o minutes, about 5 minutes pr

ep, and 25 minute baking time. I used baking cups and sprayed them with a little Pam before spooning in the mix to keep the cupcakes from scorching. When they were finished baking, I arranged them on a large circular plate and let them cool down. I had thought I would be totally Betty Sue Homemaker and make my own icing, but time didn't allow for it. If you want to make your own icing- it's simpler and TASTIER than you think! Here's a recipe to try out-
Quick and Almost Professional ButterCream Icing. When the cupcakes were completely cool, I did the icing on the ones I was using for the cupcake cake. Then I used Pez candies and a LiveSaver Gummy to spell out the baby's name. It gave it a kind of easy whimsy that blended in with the whole homemade fun look. I also baked an additional dozen cupcakes for the girls to decorate themselves using different colors of Pez candies and Willy Wonka Nerds. Might I add that cupcake cakes are definitely A++ in my book. It's a single serving option! Each child gets their own cupcake- so no more fighting over the BIG piece. Cupcakes are just cute and cuddly... and TASTY... and somehow seem more sanitary. IDK! The girls really LOVED it- that's what matters in my book- And that's how we're making tomorrow's memories today!
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