I have to tell you that it never occurred to me to own or carry a gun in the past, even when I lived in Baltimore- a city where our daily murder rate was higher than the jobless rate is today (kidding, but only slightly)! I walked alone, drove through really dangerous neighborhoods in an 80s jalopy that was famous for stalling, I was constantly harassed by every crazy imaginable in downtown 'Charm City', and even had my apartment and car broken into a few times. The break-ins, rats, scary/aggressive pan-handlers, and colorful transvestite hookers all came with with the territory of living downtown. I just never felt threatened enough back then- I just never really thought about it.
However- now as a mother of three going on four little girls... I definitely am feeling a bit more open to the idea of maybe going out there and getting a permit to carry if I so choose. I have become increasingly conscious of the fact that as a mother of multiple small children, I make an easy target for someone looking to commit a quick crime of opportunity. I have become more aware of this because the last few years, crimes of opportunity have been on the rise in Oak Ridge. As many mothers of small children come to realize- you can't help but be distracted in the parking lot of your local grocery store. Even on what at first seemed to be a simple trip to pick up a prescription, or a bag of this or that, can easily turn into a circus in the parking lot. It only takes a second, and suddenly the baby dropped his bottle and starts screaming- you look away from your purse and bend down to grab that ba-ba, and poof- someone snatches your bag in an instant. And this scenario is tame compared to some of the news stories featured in recent years- a woman and her young daughter were killed during a carjacking in Florida- for their black SUV, the horrifying tragedy of Christoper Newsom & Channon Christian's heinous murder & carjacking... There are some bad people- just plain evil people out there, and they are looking for victims that have their guard down. I am not trying to say the outcome would have been any different in either of these cases, but I can't help but wonder if carrying a gun would be a successful deterrent for these criminals.
I know I am an easy target- I am a mother with a heart who loves her kids more than anything! This makes me vulnerable. Every time I go to the store without my husband, a big bear of a man, I have to unbuckle three kids and then buckle them back up, I have to hold hands with one, push one in the buggy, and be sure the oldest is holding on... somewhere, and that no one is in danger of getting run over by jerks who speed in parking lots! The first few times I took everybody out by myself, it was just too overwhelming. The middle child ran from me in the parking lot of Mickey D's, it was raining and I chased her down shouting like a fool while pushing my then infant in the stroller wildly and practically dragging the oldest to death. I was a total disaster that day. I learned from that experience, and have since figured out how to do things differently. I do try to check my surroundings before getting out of the car with the kids, or while pushing the grocery cart to the car, I do try to also do my errands on days when I only have one or two little ones in tow... even so- I still feel a little vulnerable.
My husband has been gun saavy since he was a toddler. His dad took him hunting, and taught him the appropriate way to use a gun. He was in the Marine Corps when we met, and of course had to qualify regularly. He knows his way around guns, and we do have them in the house, kept locked in a safe place away from little hands. Even though I was raised in the city- my dad (a businessman) did keep a handgun- it was not locked up, but we knew better than to fool with it, or his samurai sword for that matter. I want my kids to learn gun safety. They need to know these things, because here in Tennessee, they are very likely to run across family members or friends' parents who keep guns. It is better for you to teach your kids gun safety, than to take the road of total avoidance and try pretend that guns don't exist in this world. Believe me- you'd rather teach them appropriately than have someone else (like their goofy peers) teach them in a dangerous situation.
I was initially shocked when I found out my neighbor, a mother of five, also had a gun carry permit, and always keeps a small gun on her person. She told me that her husband, also an ex-military man, wanted her to feel comfortable firing a gun in case of emergency. He took her to a class, where she qualified and then went on to receive a carry permit. She definitely feels more confident when she goes out with her kids, in that she knows that she can take care of business and handle herself if she is ever threatened.
I am still a bit gun-shy on the issue but I am definitely seriously considering obtaining a carry permit, I may not always carry, but would have that option. It is something that takes a serious amount of careful and honest consideration before you run out and do it.
A real point to remember, that I learned even back in my days of being in Baltimore- those who have bad intentions and lack morals are going to go out regardless of the law and have weapons, legally or not. At least those who do abide by law have the have the option to carry a gun for protection. I can't be naive and think everybody is shiny, happy, and nice- unfortunately the world is not like that. And it's not just me in the car now- it's my babies, my girls, my life!
This is a real issue- what are your thoughts on Mamas Totin' Guns??
*No the gun totin' preggie Betty in the pic is NOT me... Credit for this cool image entitled Mama's Gun goes to elevatedprimate on flickr