These are so perfect for Halloween dress-up!! Know anyone expecting this month- cause what a cute addition to a gift basket for a baby shower. This is so up my sis-in-law's alley- I just might have to get a couple of these lil' cuties.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
These are so perfect for Halloween dress-up!! Know anyone expecting this month- cause what a cute addition to a gift basket for a baby shower. This is so up my sis-in-law's alley- I just might have to get a couple of these lil' cuties.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Gun Totin' Mamas??
I have to tell you that it never occurred to me to own or carry a gun in the past, even when I lived in Baltimore- a city where our daily murder rate was higher than the jobless rate is today (kidding, but only slightly)! I walked alone, drove through really dangerous neighborhoods in an 80s jalopy that was famous for stalling, I was constantly harassed by every crazy imaginable in downtown 'Charm City', and even had my apartment and car broken into a few times. The break-ins, rats, scary/aggressive pan-handlers, and colorful transvestite hookers all came with with the territory of living downtown. I just never felt threatened enough back then- I just never really thought about it.
However- now as a mother of three going on four little girls... I definitely am feeling a bit more open to the idea of maybe going out there and getting a permit to carry if I so choose. I have become increasingly conscious of the fact that as a mother of multiple small children, I make an easy target for someone looking to commit a quick crime of opportunity. I have become more aware of this because the last few years, crimes of opportunity have been on the rise in Oak Ridge. As many mothers of small children come to realize- you can't help but be distracted in the parking lot of your local grocery store. Even on what at first seemed to be a simple trip to pick up a prescription, or a bag of this or that, can easily turn into a circus in the parking lot. It only takes a second, and suddenly the baby dropped his bottle and starts screaming- you look away from your purse and bend down to grab that ba-ba, and poof- someone snatches your bag in an instant. And this scenario is tame compared to some of the news stories featured in recent years- a woman and her young daughter were killed during a carjacking in Florida- for their black SUV, the horrifying tragedy of Christoper Newsom & Channon Christian's heinous murder & carjacking... There are some bad people- just plain evil people out there, and they are looking for victims that have their guard down. I am not trying to say the outcome would have been any different in either of these cases, but I can't help but wonder if carrying a gun would be a successful deterrent for these criminals.
I know I am an easy target- I am a mother with a heart who loves her kids more than anything! This makes me vulnerable. Every time I go to the store without my husband, a big bear of a man, I have to unbuckle three kids and then buckle them back up, I have to hold hands with one, push one in the buggy, and be sure the oldest is holding on... somewhere, and that no one is in danger of getting run over by jerks who speed in parking lots! The first few times I took everybody out by myself, it was just too overwhelming. The middle child ran from me in the parking lot of Mickey D's, it was raining and I chased her down shouting like a fool while pushing my then infant in the stroller wildly and practically dragging the oldest to death. I was a total disaster that day. I learned from that experience, and have since figured out how to do things differently. I do try to check my surroundings before getting out of the car with the kids, or while pushing the grocery cart to the car, I do try to also do my errands on days when I only have one or two little ones in tow... even so- I still feel a little vulnerable.
My husband has been gun saavy since he was a toddler. His dad took him hunting, and taught him the appropriate way to use a gun. He was in the Marine Corps when we met, and of course had to qualify regularly. He knows his way around guns, and we do have them in the house, kept locked in a safe place away from little hands. Even though I was raised in the city- my dad (a businessman) did keep a handgun- it was not locked up, but we knew better than to fool with it, or his samurai sword for that matter. I want my kids to learn gun safety. They need to know these things, because here in Tennessee, they are very likely to run across family members or friends' parents who keep guns. It is better for you to teach your kids gun safety, than to take the road of total avoidance and try pretend that guns don't exist in this world. Believe me- you'd rather teach them appropriately than have someone else (like their goofy peers) teach them in a dangerous situation.
I was initially shocked when I found out my neighbor, a mother of five, also had a gun carry permit, and always keeps a small gun on her person. She told me that her husband, also an ex-military man, wanted her to feel comfortable firing a gun in case of emergency. He took her to a class, where she qualified and then went on to receive a carry permit. She definitely feels more confident when she goes out with her kids, in that she knows that she can take care of business and handle herself if she is ever threatened.
I am still a bit gun-shy on the issue but I am definitely seriously considering obtaining a carry permit, I may not always carry, but would have that option. It is something that takes a serious amount of careful and honest consideration before you run out and do it.
A real point to remember, that I learned even back in my days of being in Baltimore- those who have bad intentions and lack morals are going to go out regardless of the law and have weapons, legally or not. At least those who do abide by law have the have the option to carry a gun for protection. I can't be naive and think everybody is shiny, happy, and nice- unfortunately the world is not like that. And it's not just me in the car now- it's my babies, my girls, my life!
This is a real issue- what are your thoughts on Mamas Totin' Guns??
*No the gun totin' preggie Betty in the pic is NOT me... Credit for this cool image entitled Mama's Gun goes to elevatedprimate on flickr
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cute Stuff

The hand grasp makes this easy for a child to hold onto and manipulate. I love this idea of getting away from the plastic chewy things to a more natural and greener form of toy for baby!
This would be the perfect addition to a shower gift- and perfect for my little chomper right now :^)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I HEART Corduroy!
If you don't already know this about me- I LOVE CORDUROY! I used to hate it, but over the years I have developed a fond devotion to the warm nostalgia of this textured fabric. Okay, so my mother forced me to wear corduroy as a kid... and I hated it then, but least I now understand why she loved it! Corduroy can be just as sturdy as denim, and the beauty of this ingenious fabric is that it comes in SO many lovely variants- pinks, purples, paisley with little bears, it's just incredible! For little girls, corduroy is perfectly engineered. If you happen to have a tomboy in the family, jeans are no longer the only option- corduroy is the perfect transition! You can dress it up or dress it down depending on the occasion. In the winter, I love to have my girls wear corduroy pants and fuzzy sweaters to church- they are warm, comfortable, and adorable- and can play afterward later with no fuss. Corduroy is the magic fabric people! Go out and get some today :^)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Mmmm... A Healthy, and YUMMY start to the day!

He used fresh peaches, cut up into wedges, sprinkled with a little sugar, and chilled to perfection in the fridge. Oh they just are SO yummy!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A Proper Fit... Ladies- Get Your Girls a Lift & Keep Your Can-Can Covered at Church!
Let me just begin this with a small disclaimer: Guys may want to shy away from this particular post... but your wives and girlfriends will much appreciate the info. I am about to impart.
Ladies, I am a thirty-something of the female persuasion raised by a woman who was a stickler for proper fashion. Let me explain- my Momma was a business woman of the 80s, in her hey-day, before she opted to take on a career of the heart (she later chose to lend her service to the public school system) she worked a high-profile, high-income career in banking, and boy, did she know how to dress for success! The woman always wore stockings & heels, her skirts and slacks tailored to a length that was just so, the hairdresser was pretty much a second home, and we always, ALWAYS, dressed appropriately for church. Now, I am not by any means the career woman my mother was, but I did manage to take in some of her style etiquette (although she would dispute this point) and apply it to my own life. I am a little more of a free-style personality, a bit more bohemian than my mother would perhaps have abided. However, I do believe that you should dress appropriately for church. I don't mean you have to dress to the nines, church-life these days seems more relaxed than back in the day when I had to don a bonnet and little pinafore dress with tights and black patent leather mary-jane's. I see folks wearing jeans, and nice khaki pants, some shorts... this is all fine, and I do believe that 'come as you are' mentality.
My husband and I are by no means into forcing stiff collars or ruffly dresses onto the girls, but this weekend when we saw a teenager in church wearing cut-off SHORT shorts, that was just a jaw-dropper. This girl was probably around 13-15 yrs of age, and my husband nudged me and whispered, "I'll kill you if you let our girls go out like that... ANYWHERE!" I have seen this little number before, but never at church. Usually we spy this scandalous style out at the mall when the parents have dropped these little ladies off & they are meeting their boyfriends. Ladies PLEASE tell your daughters they are not allowed to wear shorts so short we can see their buns poking out of the bottoms, especially to CHURCH! Believe me, for many young girls this fashion is not flattering unless you are blessed with the gams and backside of Daisy Duke... and that's few & far between! The sad thing is that many times, we have seen these young girls out and about WITH THEIR MOMS wearing things that would make Dita Von Tesse blush. Recently, we were out at a restaurant and a mother-daughter team strolled out, my husband began to gag on his food and point towards the exit- I looked just in time to glimpse a young lady rolling out the door in a dress so short that from behind I could see all of her... ahem, ASSETS! At the time, our waitress saw the commotion at our table and came over to see if my husband needed a Heimlich maneuver or what. We asked her if she had seen what just walked out the door, and she informed us that the young lady was not a lady at all- but a girl aged 10! What was worse, she said that some of the older male waiters had been ogling this girl, and when she informed them of the girl's age, they shrugged as if to say, "So what." You might think that based on how I described this girl's attire that her mom was dressed the same... or worse. Nope! Her mother was prim and polished, wearing her summer white, and looking like she was fresh from a magazine ad in Parenting mag. The mother looked perfect! How then, could she let her 10 year old child go out ANYWHERE in an outfit that a woman 'on the hunt might' wear to a nightclub?! People, PLEASE- you know this is not at all kosher attire for a child of ten, or 12, or 16 even! Not unless you are perhaps considering to further your daughter's early education into the realm of Burlesque. I just remember that my own mother was not a prude, she understood that sexy did not mean baring it all for the world to see, but hinting at the possibility of it. The seduction of a plunging neckling that suggests at the secrets within can be much more appealing than a triangle-top bursting with bosom at the sides and baring the whole thing for free. A proper fitting pair of shorts or slim jeans that flatter your backside can be way more sexy than airing your buns (and sadly some of your flab) out beneath ragged cut-offs. Mothers should be a catalyst for this, we should say to our daughters, 'Look- no way I am letting you out of the house like this. Let's find something more flattering... like this shroud!'
Just kidding, but you get my point. Look, we aren't prudes here, but I think your perspective on appropriate clothing changes once you have children of your own. I know I wore risque outfits, but that was when I was on my own, in my early twenties, and for sure I out of my mother's eagle-eye line of sight!!
Another topic that I have for this post is to promote all the ladies to go out and get properly fitted for a bra. Moms should also take the reigns on this one when daughters get old enough. For families where Mom is not present, Dad might ask a trusted Aunt or female relative to help out on this one if he is too squeamish. Women- here is another little tid-bit- You need to have a proper bra fitting more than one time in your life! Things change- people change, your boobs change! For example, I am pregnant right now, and I have had a terrible time finding a comfy bra that is supportive. I used to like underwire, but now I find it EVIL! This is just my personal thing, some folks swear by it.
A few months back, I went to a reputable big name maternity shop in the mall- and the woman measured my bosom, OVER my padded bra. This method is NOT correct! It resulted in her telling me that I measured as a DDD or F. I suddenly felt like I could easily stand in for Jane Mansfield or move over Pamela Anderson here I come, because she also informed me that by the end of my pregnancy I could be into a size G & have to special order! So for a couple of weeks I went around trying on I don't know how many styles of bra trying to find one that fit properly. Even the ones in the maternity store did not fit well. I even went back again, but the same thing happened. Because she did not take the time to take me in the dressing room and ask me to remove the padded bra, the sizing was incorrect. You might wonder why I wear a padded bra anyway, being blessed with a generous size anyway... For me, it's not for effect, it's to keep certain little things in check! Anyway, I went forth again and tried to find a bra that fit comfortably. Let me tell you something, a pregnant woman is uncomfortable enough- I needed something to keep the girls in-line and happy! As any woman who has had children knows, the bosom, as well as the belly, is affected by the wonderous changes that occur during pregnancy. I needed some darn support! Finally, I decided I would go old school and headed to Belk's, our local department store, and headed over to the lingerie department and sought out one of the lovely older ladies who held the title of 'fit specialist.' I was uncomfortable for about 5 seconds as she requested that I remove my outer clothing and bra, while she did a proper fitting. She took the measurement, and I had picked out a nice Bali brand style that seemed supportive and lacked the wicked underwire that has become popular. I am now in a state of perpetual bliss... or at least my bosom is. I can't believe the difference a proper fitting bra has made in my overall comfort level. I even noticed the difference of how my clothing falls over a proper fitting bra. There is no spillage, or back roll going on, clothes look smooth and streamline, but most of all- I feel GREAT! YAY! So here's my advice to all of you Moms out there- take your daughters out for a proper bra fitting. Get them in the habit of doing these kinds of things from the start will also get them to thinking about paying attention to their breasts from early on, knowing the changes, and also getting a proper exam! Did I mention how much better I feel now?! :)
How A Proper Bra Should Fit:
* The back of your bra should be parallel to the front, in other words- your back band should not feel as though it is riding up on your back.
*I know you dream of looking like Marilyn Monroe, don't we all, but you should not be spilling out over the top of your bra, this is not proper support.
* Your breast should be fully encased in the cup of the bra, this may seem common sense- but think about how many time you bought a cute bra even if you felt the underwire pressing into the underside of your boobage. The underwire should fit against your ribcage
* There should be no wrinkling over the cup of the bra, this indicates that it is too big.
* Your straps should not dig into you, nor should you feel like your oxygen is being cut off when you clasp your bra.
For more helpful tips:
Check out bare necessities
This British Article Is Your Bra Making You Ill?
Or watch this YouTube - Bra Fitting Guide- Wearing the Wrong Bra Size
Ladies, I am a thirty-something of the female persuasion raised by a woman who was a stickler for proper fashion. Let me explain- my Momma was a business woman of the 80s, in her hey-day, before she opted to take on a career of the heart (she later chose to lend her service to the public school system) she worked a high-profile, high-income career in banking, and boy, did she know how to dress for success! The woman always wore stockings & heels, her skirts and slacks tailored to a length that was just so, the hairdresser was pretty much a second home, and we always, ALWAYS, dressed appropriately for church. Now, I am not by any means the career woman my mother was, but I did manage to take in some of her style etiquette (although she would dispute this point) and apply it to my own life. I am a little more of a free-style personality, a bit more bohemian than my mother would perhaps have abided. However, I do believe that you should dress appropriately for church. I don't mean you have to dress to the nines, church-life these days seems more relaxed than back in the day when I had to don a bonnet and little pinafore dress with tights and black patent leather mary-jane's. I see folks wearing jeans, and nice khaki pants, some shorts... this is all fine, and I do believe that 'come as you are' mentality.
My husband and I are by no means into forcing stiff collars or ruffly dresses onto the girls, but this weekend when we saw a teenager in church wearing cut-off SHORT shorts, that was just a jaw-dropper. This girl was probably around 13-15 yrs of age, and my husband nudged me and whispered, "I'll kill you if you let our girls go out like that... ANYWHERE!" I have seen this little number before, but never at church. Usually we spy this scandalous style out at the mall when the parents have dropped these little ladies off & they are meeting their boyfriends. Ladies PLEASE tell your daughters they are not allowed to wear shorts so short we can see their buns poking out of the bottoms, especially to CHURCH! Believe me, for many young girls this fashion is not flattering unless you are blessed with the gams and backside of Daisy Duke... and that's few & far between! The sad thing is that many times, we have seen these young girls out and about WITH THEIR MOMS wearing things that would make Dita Von Tesse blush. Recently, we were out at a restaurant and a mother-daughter team strolled out, my husband began to gag on his food and point towards the exit- I looked just in time to glimpse a young lady rolling out the door in a dress so short that from behind I could see all of her... ahem, ASSETS! At the time, our waitress saw the commotion at our table and came over to see if my husband needed a Heimlich maneuver or what. We asked her if she had seen what just walked out the door, and she informed us that the young lady was not a lady at all- but a girl aged 10! What was worse, she said that some of the older male waiters had been ogling this girl, and when she informed them of the girl's age, they shrugged as if to say, "So what." You might think that based on how I described this girl's attire that her mom was dressed the same... or worse. Nope! Her mother was prim and polished, wearing her summer white, and looking like she was fresh from a magazine ad in Parenting mag. The mother looked perfect! How then, could she let her 10 year old child go out ANYWHERE in an outfit that a woman 'on the hunt might' wear to a nightclub?! People, PLEASE- you know this is not at all kosher attire for a child of ten, or 12, or 16 even! Not unless you are perhaps considering to further your daughter's early education into the realm of Burlesque. I just remember that my own mother was not a prude, she understood that sexy did not mean baring it all for the world to see, but hinting at the possibility of it. The seduction of a plunging neckling that suggests at the secrets within can be much more appealing than a triangle-top bursting with bosom at the sides and baring the whole thing for free. A proper fitting pair of shorts or slim jeans that flatter your backside can be way more sexy than airing your buns (and sadly some of your flab) out beneath ragged cut-offs. Mothers should be a catalyst for this, we should say to our daughters, 'Look- no way I am letting you out of the house like this. Let's find something more flattering... like this shroud!'
Just kidding, but you get my point. Look, we aren't prudes here, but I think your perspective on appropriate clothing changes once you have children of your own. I know I wore risque outfits, but that was when I was on my own, in my early twenties, and for sure I out of my mother's eagle-eye line of sight!!
Another topic that I have for this post is to promote all the ladies to go out and get properly fitted for a bra. Moms should also take the reigns on this one when daughters get old enough. For families where Mom is not present, Dad might ask a trusted Aunt or female relative to help out on this one if he is too squeamish. Women- here is another little tid-bit- You need to have a proper bra fitting more than one time in your life! Things change- people change, your boobs change! For example, I am pregnant right now, and I have had a terrible time finding a comfy bra that is supportive. I used to like underwire, but now I find it EVIL! This is just my personal thing, some folks swear by it.
A few months back, I went to a reputable big name maternity shop in the mall- and the woman measured my bosom, OVER my padded bra. This method is NOT correct! It resulted in her telling me that I measured as a DDD or F. I suddenly felt like I could easily stand in for Jane Mansfield or move over Pamela Anderson here I come, because she also informed me that by the end of my pregnancy I could be into a size G & have to special order! So for a couple of weeks I went around trying on I don't know how many styles of bra trying to find one that fit properly. Even the ones in the maternity store did not fit well. I even went back again, but the same thing happened. Because she did not take the time to take me in the dressing room and ask me to remove the padded bra, the sizing was incorrect. You might wonder why I wear a padded bra anyway, being blessed with a generous size anyway... For me, it's not for effect, it's to keep certain little things in check! Anyway, I went forth again and tried to find a bra that fit comfortably. Let me tell you something, a pregnant woman is uncomfortable enough- I needed something to keep the girls in-line and happy! As any woman who has had children knows, the bosom, as well as the belly, is affected by the wonderous changes that occur during pregnancy. I needed some darn support! Finally, I decided I would go old school and headed to Belk's, our local department store, and headed over to the lingerie department and sought out one of the lovely older ladies who held the title of 'fit specialist.' I was uncomfortable for about 5 seconds as she requested that I remove my outer clothing and bra, while she did a proper fitting. She took the measurement, and I had picked out a nice Bali brand style that seemed supportive and lacked the wicked underwire that has become popular. I am now in a state of perpetual bliss... or at least my bosom is. I can't believe the difference a proper fitting bra has made in my overall comfort level. I even noticed the difference of how my clothing falls over a proper fitting bra. There is no spillage, or back roll going on, clothes look smooth and streamline, but most of all- I feel GREAT! YAY! So here's my advice to all of you Moms out there- take your daughters out for a proper bra fitting. Get them in the habit of doing these kinds of things from the start will also get them to thinking about paying attention to their breasts from early on, knowing the changes, and also getting a proper exam! Did I mention how much better I feel now?! :)
How A Proper Bra Should Fit:
* The back of your bra should be parallel to the front, in other words- your back band should not feel as though it is riding up on your back.
*I know you dream of looking like Marilyn Monroe, don't we all, but you should not be spilling out over the top of your bra, this is not proper support.
* Your breast should be fully encased in the cup of the bra, this may seem common sense- but think about how many time you bought a cute bra even if you felt the underwire pressing into the underside of your boobage. The underwire should fit against your ribcage
* There should be no wrinkling over the cup of the bra, this indicates that it is too big.
* Your straps should not dig into you, nor should you feel like your oxygen is being cut off when you clasp your bra.
For more helpful tips:
Check out bare necessities
This British Article Is Your Bra Making You Ill?
Or watch this YouTube - Bra Fitting Guide- Wearing the Wrong Bra Size
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
$5 Off a Family Membership to the American Museum of Science & Energy!
For the membership discount go to CouponKatie's page.
300 South Tulane Ave.
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
{865} 576-3200

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I Feel Special!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Chili Mac Night!

Monday, April 27, 2009
Atomic City Mom Did It - Earth Day 2009!
This past Saturday, I had the awesome opportunity to volunteer at a booth for Earth Day 2009 at the Civic Center. I went last year, and I am so glad I attended this time, because this year's venue was SO much better! Last year, the festival seemed a little flat. This year- the music, the people, the vendors- it was ALIVE and breathing! The kids were so in AWE of the face painter, the images were just MAGICAL!
To check out some of the cool things that you may have missed - go to Oak Ridge TN Earth Day 2009 for a list of vendors and links to other websites!
To check out some of the cool things that you may have missed - go to Oak Ridge TN Earth Day 2009 for a list of vendors and links to other websites!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Somebody Likes Me - I got an Egg Plant for Easter!

My camera is sick right now with the fuzzies, but here's a great pic from three swingin' chicks:

Check out three swingin' chicks Egg Plant post for more fun stuff about Egg Plants including a recipe using real eggplants!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Good Sturdy Pair of Shoes...

I hate to say this people, but I am having a lot of trouble finding what my Step-Dad used to refer to as a 'good sturdy pair of shoes' for my girls. What he was talking about, and what I am so avidly seeking, is a pair of everyday shoes that the girls can wear to school, out to play, or to just stomp around the yard... not sneakers, or flashy dress shoes, just a regular pair of comfortable everyday shoes that go with mostly anything. An alternative to my oldest wearing Hannah Montana tennis shoes all the time... and to hopefully wean my four year old out of her black multicolored star-covered hightop Converse knock-offs that she insists on wearing with everything... Even *GASP* to church!
Although these practical shoes may be made of leather, mary-janes, reddish-brown, or black, they are tried and true, with good soles, and cozy cushy inserts. You know, a pair of shoes that you hated as a kid, but could stand up to a Tennessee tornado... 'cuz honestly that's about the wear & tear my girls will put on them as they run around here like wild-fire!
Why is this even an issue?! I'll tell you why! Because today I dragged all three girls around to THREE different stores in Oak Ridge and I am disgusted with the utter lack of selection & availability of sizes. Here was the cake topper - when I complained at the final store, a BIG name department store that doesn't even CARRY children's shoes, the associate, who I can describe at best as being a little on the moderately snubby side, rolled her eyes and said to me, "Well, this is Oak Ridge..." As if to say, 'Honey - don't you know that Oak Ridge is in some abyss far away from any semblance of meaningful civilization?' I don't think that this is just an Oak Ridge problem. I can tell you that I went to Stride Rite in the mall in Knoxville yesterday & their selection of everyday shoes for girls was almost as well, sad. There were a few more options and colors, but at a real hefty price. Actually, my friend commented that it's the smallest Stride Rite store she's ever seen... and I really would have to agree!
Really, is this such a strange thing for a mother to request- a good pair of sturdy shoes for girls? Have the styles changed so much? Really, I often see such cute shoes in catalogs, or online, but I can't imagine actually buying shoes from either a catalog or online. Ladies, we all know shoes are meant to be tried on & admired in the store. What ever happened to the shoe salesperson waiting on you hand & foot, bringing you endless boxes of deliciously different styles and assisting you in trying them on, like you were Zsa Zsa Gabor?! Okay, I'm sorry, I was in dreamland for a second, things are different here on planet earth now, but it seems to me in the not so distant past, that the shoe salesfolk of my dreams existed... they even brought me those horrid Buster Browns I had to wear as a kid, when my Step-Dad took us to Van, Dyke, & Bacon in Baltimore, and I hated those 'good sturdy shoes!' Now, at most, you tell them what size to bring, there is no fawning over you, they just come & go like ghosts.
Anyway, my girls are fast a-growin', and as my Mom & Step-Dad always say, "You need to wear good shoes. Because if your feet hurt, everything hurts!" I have to agree, of course, because like many fashion conscious women, I know what torturing oneself for beauty is feels like... don't I perform that ritual masochistic act of standing in front of the bathroom mirror in the one-legged flamingo stance meticulously plucking my brows? Don't I wait until 1 0'clock in the morning to hide out in the bathroom & 'dye' my hair to hide all the grays these girls have given me?! Okay, maybe these beauty regimens have since suffered now that I have the three lil' nippers to run after, but in my younger days, didn't I used to try to be cute, teetering around (pre-pregnancy) on 3 inch heels all day... What was I thinking?! Anyway, children are too young to be thinking too much of what's in fashion, right? So then, why ever do they sell high-heeled shoes for little girls? Isn't it bad enough we adults of the feminine persuasion torture ourselves when we get older- why torture your child with shoes that only look cute when standing completely still? I see these poor little girls all the time clodding along in heels thinking, Oof- that's not even remotely cute, that's just plain painful to watch. Look - I am not a stick in the mud! After all, I do have a tattoo & a nose ring... and so what if my husband could probably pass for an extra on Sons of Anarchy, but you better believe when it comes to our girls, it's pink corduroy & denim all the way! Eh-gads, have I turned into my mother?!
If you can recommend a good place to find shoes, please let me know. We like cute shoes, but they must be practical as well, right? We are not going to buy satin froo-froo lacies, and sparklies that'll fall off after one wear... even though my daughters would likely la-la-love them!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
More Grits-n-Gravy... PLEASE!
The movie schedule for the 2009 Grits-N-Gravy Southern Film Festival has just been announced and is posted over at One of two festivals hosted by Secret City Films in Oak Ridge, the festival will feature short films by Southern filmmakers. The line-up sounds very interesting... A music video featuring Knoxville actor David Keith driving a van in a music video... Check it out!
david keith,
local interest,
local links,
Oak Ridge,
Secret City,
secret city films,
southern film festival,
southern films
Friday, February 20, 2009
Oscar Party Fun...
If you are planning on watching the Oscars tomorrow night, and maybe having friends over, or even if it's just you and your hubby kicked back on the couch with your feet up, I found two really cool ideas for some Oscar night fun...
Download free Oscar Bingo cards courtesy of Jessica Jones @ How About Orange. This looks like lots of fun! (Photo courtesy of JJ @ How About Orange)
Also, you can make some yummy looking Slumdog Snacks inspired by this year's Academy pick, Slumdog Millionare, @ Shelterrific. This includes a recipe by Lisa Cericola of of roasted chickpeas & a mango lassi.

Download free Oscar Bingo cards courtesy of Jessica Jones @ How About Orange. This looks like lots of fun! (Photo courtesy of JJ @ How About Orange)
Also, you can make some yummy looking Slumdog Snacks inspired by this year's Academy pick, Slumdog Millionare, @ Shelterrific. This includes a recipe by Lisa Cericola of of roasted chickpeas & a mango lassi.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Big Goings On in Oak Ridge @ End of February...
Glen Miller Orchestra
Feb 21st 8-11 pm at the Historic Grove Theater in Oak Ridge or call (865) 482-7713
International Fest @ The Children's Museum
Feb. 21st 10am-4pm or call (865) 482-1074
CASA's 5th Annual Barbeque & Bluegrass Bash Feb. 21st 6 pm @ Elks Lodge in Oak Ridge or call (865) 425-0888
Girls INC to host 31st Annual Basketball Classic
Feb 28th @ 4pm or call (865) 482-4475
Get Ready for Spring Rowing Season 2009! or call (865) 482-6538
If there are any Oak Ridge events I've missed, please let me know, or if there are upcoming local events you would like to see announced for March/April, please let me know and I will be sure to check it out!
Feb 21st 8-11 pm at the Historic Grove Theater in Oak Ridge or call (865) 482-7713
International Fest @ The Children's Museum
Feb. 21st 10am-4pm or call (865) 482-1074
CASA's 5th Annual Barbeque & Bluegrass Bash Feb. 21st 6 pm @ Elks Lodge in Oak Ridge or call (865) 425-0888
Girls INC to host 31st Annual Basketball Classic
Feb 28th @ 4pm or call (865) 482-4475
Get Ready for Spring Rowing Season 2009! or call (865) 482-6538
If there are any Oak Ridge events I've missed, please let me know, or if there are upcoming local events you would like to see announced for March/April, please let me know and I will be sure to check it out!
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Sunday, February 15, 2009
Local Restaurant Review - Valentine's Dinner @ Outback

Okay, in all fairness, we did our Valentine's dinner a day early, on Friday... the 13th. Perhaps this was our fatal flaw. In any case, we headed over to the Outback Steakhouse on Illinois next to the Mickey D's... because sans babysitter- we had the kiddies in tow. Those of you that know us, are fully aware that we have a brood of three fun little kiddies, ranging in age from 19 months to 5 years old. Why did we choose to go Outback? Well, perhaps it had something to do with how adorably our three year old was singing and dancing to the tune, "Let's go Outback tonight!"
Actually, Outback used to be a pretty good choice for parents with kids as young as ours. The booths are very spacious, offering enough room to prop a baby's carseat, & cram several coats, a full-sized mom, and at least one toddler all onto one side of the table. The atmosphere is noisy & busy enough that the neighboring tables won't necessarily hear that your child may be at any one moment loud-talking/fussing/arguing with a sibling/or singing along with the music playing overhead. Also, the kids can be successfully distracted by many of the cool Australian-themed objects generously adorning the walls... We try to sit within sight of the jersey-wearing crocodile hanging on the wall. This is handy so that if there is some kind of trouble at our table with the girls, I can say, "Hey, stop that! Uh-oh, look- that croc is checking you out!" This serves well as a useful momentary deterrent.
Well, everything started out well enough... except that we arrived later than we normally would have liked, and rather than the usual large booth, we were seated [with no wait] against the wall at a 1/2 booth with the neighboring tables a little too close for comfort. Also, on one of our last occasions to eat at Outback we were horrified to discover that they had taken away our favorite menu items. No more Towoomba or Cyclone Pastas, no more Asian Short-Ribs... although we were told you could still make a request for the ribs if you like,however , they may not taste the same.
For starters, we ordered the Bloomin' Onion and my husband ordered the wings with ranch dressing. These came out quickly enough, as did our Wedge salads, the Bloomin' Onion was tasty per usual, but the wings... I've never seen my husband NOT devour a plate of wings. He can make a plate 'o wings DISAPPEAR before your eyes in seconds, but he only munched on two. He also was not a fan of the fact that the wings actually appeared to have little 'hairs' where they were not plucked well, not an appetizing factor. The actual meals we ordered were only fair, not good, or great. The kids' meals were just okay as well, the chicken tenders were very good, nice and crunchy, tasty, but the fries were awful. The potato soup I ordered as a starter was actually the best part of my meal. My shrimp pasta was a little dry, it did not really have enough sauce, and the shrimp were not particularly bursting with char-grilled flavor. Really just sub-par considering the money we spent. The service was very friendly and fast... but overall the experience was a big V-Day bust.
I think we will be avoiding Outback Steakhouse for awhile... at least until they change the menu again and we have an incentive to try again. Overall, great service, wonderful atmosphere for kids, but the menu needs some help.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
DIY "Trashy" Valentines from Curbly...
Here's a really cute idea that I found on Curbly by swelldesigner. Make your own 'trashy' valentines by using your junk mail... looks like a fun way of recycling all that annoying junk mail!
If you like this kind of fun/funky art, also check out the shadowboxes by Baltimore Artstar. I really love stuff like this!
Atomic City,
Atomic city mom,
baltimore artstar,
things to do,
valentine's day,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
New Recycling Program for Oakridgers... Get Ready for the Smart Cart!
I just received a letter in today's mail from the City of Oak Ridge, announcing a new recycling program called RecycleBank. Apparently, on February 16th, we will be receiving a brown recycling cart, dubbed the 'Smart Cart,' and ALL recyclables on the list can be thrown in the cart together... that's right folks, NO SORTING involved!
Here is the real twister - the Smart Cart is actually embedded with an identification chip that will be able to show who is participating in the program. The best part is that RecycleBank is actually a rewards program to encourage households to recycle. You will earn RecycleBank Points for recycling! The more you recycle, the more points your earn. The points are then deposited into your personal account on and after you register, you can redeem your points at local businesses.
The RecycleBank program officially starts on March 2nd. For more information regarding the Smart Cart & the RecycleBank program, check out or go to the City's website or call: 888-727-2978.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Top 10 Things to Do in Oak Ridge During Winter...
1. Check out the current exhibits at the American Museum of Science & Energy - Now until Mar. 29th "African Americans in WWII."
2. Your kiddies will LOVE the life-size doll house & rainforest @ the Children's Museum.
3. Oak Ridge Public Library for Storytimes - FREE!
4. Check out the cool little shops on Jackson Square.
5. Try EVERY locally owned & operated restaurant in Oak Ridge... at least once!
6. Take the Historic Driving Tour of Oak Ridge...
7. See a play at the Oak Ridge Playhouse.
8. Hike the greenways... on mild days _ FREE.
9. Ride the Secret City Scenic Excursion Train.
10. Listen to a concert at ORCMA.
If you can think of more, please feel free to let me know. If it's fun, I might feature it on an upcoming post!
2. Your kiddies will LOVE the life-size doll house & rainforest @ the Children's Museum.
3. Oak Ridge Public Library for Storytimes - FREE!
4. Check out the cool little shops on Jackson Square.
5. Try EVERY locally owned & operated restaurant in Oak Ridge... at least once!
6. Take the Historic Driving Tour of Oak Ridge...
7. See a play at the Oak Ridge Playhouse.
8. Hike the greenways... on mild days _ FREE.
9. Ride the Secret City Scenic Excursion Train.
10. Listen to a concert at ORCMA.
If you can think of more, please feel free to let me know. If it's fun, I might feature it on an upcoming post!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
My Superbowl Sunday Menu

We really are watching our budget this year, but still like to have fun with the family! So here is this year's Superbowl Sunday Menu at my house:
Homemade Chili - Three Bean
Barbecue Chicken Drumsticks for the Kiddies
Buffalo Chicken Salad - A Rachael Ray recipe
Salsa, Chips, & Dip
Southern Peach Cobbler from
I gotta tell you, my cousin who is a big-time cook, actually turned me on to and now I find myself using it on a regular basis when I am doing my brainstorming for meal planning ideas. There are really some great recipes, a 5 star rating system, and I like that there are critiques so that you can see how people who tried a recipe actually felt about it. I also love the fact that you can print out recipe cards, it's so cute.
That's it- my simple little menu for Superbowl Sunday... really for me it's all about the food & family. For me to do this, it's gotta be quick and easy and VERY yummy, stick-to-your-ribs kinda food...
What Superbowl food favorites do you guys enjoy every year?
bowl of chili image from
Atomic City Mom is Now on Twitter!

Hey All! Now you can follow Atomic City Mom on Twitter! I plan to do a whole lot more blogging this year, including my own reviews on local restaurants, books, interesting products, and family friendly spots... and all my favorite things to do in Oak Ridge.
Monday, January 5, 2009
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