Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So Many Little Things...

So little time left! I know I have been a bit neglectful lately. I have three little ones, and we have just been hit hard this season with back to back illnesses... Just when one starts to feel better, another one will have a fever... UGH! I hate being sick myself, and it's just miserable to watch your kids struggle through a fever or stomach virus. Yikes!

Anyway, not to be a little ray of sunshine, but I thought I was actually going to be ORGANIZED this holiday season, well, one big HA_HA on me. We decided to give homemade preserves for Christmas this year to some of our lucky friends and family, this was done by my hubby back at summer's end, so I thought- wow- I can actually coast now... AND here's how the trouble always begins right? You know you have one less thing to do, you take it for granted now that you have that extra bit of time now and you get lackadaisical about everything, then BOOM- you suddenly realize that there are only 9 shopping days left until Christmas... and the panic sets in! Did I mail a card to cousin Eddie, why didn't I buy that scarf for Granny when it was on sale, will my brother really appreciate that gift certificate to the "man spa"... and it goes on like this until the tree is trimmed, all the presents are wrapped, stockings stuffed, and Christmas dinner is on the table...

I have found that now more than ever this year, I am really trying to shop local for gifts, or buy homemade crafty gift items online. I have been surfing Etsy like crazy for unique treasures and awe-inspiring baubles at an amazingly affordable price. I am even going to *Gasp* crochet a hat for my sister (at her request!) I think that this year, in light of the economic situation we are facing, it is so important that instead of just arbitrarily buying gifts just to be giving something to a person, that we really take a moment to think about the person that will be receiving this gift. I have found that just by going to Etsy and browsing all of the wonderful and creative items up for sale, that inevitably I see something that reminds me of someone, or that inspires my direction somehow. This is really an incredible site that you should visit when you have the time to sit down and really browse. Another great blog for crafts and ideas is Jessica Jones' How About Orange.

Another feeling that I have, which I mentioned before, is that I wanted to try to support local artisans and the community by buying things made locally here in Tennessee or even just made the USA... Do you know how hard this concept is becoming?! Commercially, you can forget it with the big stores, I read that four out of five toys sold here in the US are made in China. I know that kids are always going to want that fabulous toy they've seen on tv. However, for the adults in your life, there are a few local shops that will pride themselves on supporting local arts and crafts. In Oak Ridge, you can start by perusing the shops at Jackson Square, where you can always stop for a yummy snack and well-earned hot cuppa coffee at Moondollars Cafe (where I actually bought one of my Christmas gifts - a print by the artist & mathematician Stacey Kite,) and then perhaps make your over to the Corner Gallery at Grove Center. Believe me- compared to battling the mob in Wal-Mart, it's a much nicer way to spend an afternoon of shopping.