Well, after about 4 years living in this area, I finally got to try out Big Ed's Pizza. Located near historic Jackson Square right across from the Farmer's Market, Big Ed's has been a neighborhood pizza joint for generations of Oak Ridgers. I really was excited to see what all the fuss was about. I mean, we had driven by the place countless times always seeing that giant caricature of 'Big Ed' stenciled proudly on the front window... Finally, on a hot summer afternoon out with my sis-in-law, curiosity, heat, and hunger pangs pushed us to take the plunge. With two toddlers and a baby in tow, my sis-in-law and I braved the hot August mid-afternoon to do pizza at Big Ed's. We pulled up right in front and were able to find a parking spot really close to the front door. This is always great for a mother of three small kiddies!
Everything was going swimmingly, I unpacked the kids, myself, grabbed the stroller, and then I noticed a sign on the front door that brought our little foray to a screeching halt... Big Ed's does not accept CREDIT-CASH or CHECK ONLY! How stone age! Who carries cash anymore, really? I certainly can't bother with it nowadays with the three kids. Everything is swipe-swipe. Well, although this was a bit daunting, we are a determined folk... I called my hubby and had him join us for lunch... An extra set of hands to help with the kids, and ahem- a side trip for him to the ATM for cash. Lovely!
WOW-I was surprised to find the cozy facade of the building to be deceptive, the actual dining room is HUGE... dark, but really large, and actually buzzing with people! It happened to be a weekday afternoon, and there were really a lot of folks there chowing down. We sat at a table near the window, and even though there were other people eating nearby, it still felt like an intimate setting. I was immediately transported back to reminisce about a neighborhood pizza joint where I used to go to hang out as a kid back in Baltimore. The pizza is greasy, but somehow mixed with the atmosphere it is all so comforting and friendly. The kids loved it, even the little one seemed to be soaking it all in... Admittedly, you could probably get a better deal ordering from your favorite franchise pizza place, but there is something about sitting there with family and friends joking and laughing over a pitcher of cherry coke [sorry no free refills, ordering a pitcher is your best bet.] It feels like you are making a memory... We ordered a large 'polka dot' pizza [that's translated into pepperoni for you folks without kids] with extra cheese to feed three adults and two and a half kids... the adults had 2 slices each and the kids had 1 a piece, while the baby happily gnawed on crust [she's teething.] We actually got a big kick checking out some of the memorabilia around the room. My hubby is an ex-Marine, and there was a cool bottle of what I initially thought to be a beer called Jarhead Red... It actually turns out, as was pointed out to me by my esteemed and knowledgeable friend, that
Jarhead Red is a wine made "by Marines, for Marines, on California's Central Coast..." You can purchase this wine on the Jarhead Red website, and the sale of this wine benefits the Marine Corps Scholarship Fund. Very Interesting... On my way to the bathroom, I spied what appeared to be marble countertops at the bar! Yes, there is a bar where you can order alcohalic beverages...

Overall, if you are looking for a cool place to hang out, Big Ed's Pizza seems like a good place. The food was okay, the service was great [our server was so pregnant she was about to POP,] and the atmosphere was really fun. A good time had by all... and a few tummy aches had later from all that grease.
Big Ed's Pizza
101 Broadway Ave
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(865) 482-4885